Resolution No.8 (1981): Digital recording at AE stations and thanks to WDC-C2, Kyoto

IAGA, recognising the immense value to the scientific community of the derivation and publication of auroral electrojet (AE) indices, thanks WDC-C2 (Kyoto, Japan) for producing AE in published form for the first half of 1978, and urges that WDC-C2 continue to produce AE indices; understanding that 6 of the 12 observatories whose records are used in deriving AE are now recording digitally, strongly urges that the remaining stations (Cape Wellen, Tixie Bay, Cape Chelyuskin, Dixon Island, Abisko, and Leirvogur) rapidly convert to digital recording magnetometers to facilitate the prompt production and publication of AE indices.

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