Resolution No.6 (1979): Global network of meteor wind radar for MAP
IAGA, noting the progress which has been achieved in the investigation of dynamical processes in the upper atmosphere by means of the meteor radar method (especially under the auspices of the IAGA Global Radio Meteor Wind Studies Project (GRMWSP)), and the progress in the development both of automated meteor radars and of mathematical simulation of meteor phenomena, and noting that the necessity of measuring mesopause dynamics on a global scale requires the comparison of data measure by different equipment using different analyses, recommends
- that all groups which use the radio meteor method during the preliminary MAP period coordinate their efforts in the development of the global network of meteor wind radars, to include transportable radars;
- that other techniques (for example, incoherent scatter, partial reflection drifts and LF spaced receiver drifts) should be used in coordinated measurements;
- that the existing GRMWSP network carry out simultaneous observations during periods of particular meteorological significance, at least until completion of MAP; and
- that greater efforts be made to standardise equipment and analysis techniques, with particular emphasis on comparing results obtained using different observational techniques.