Resolution No.13 (1969): Study of the upper atmospheric structure

The IAGA, considering the importance of obtaining a self consistent picture of distributions and variations of composition, density, temperature and winds in the upper atmosphere, and noting the recommendations of the 9th and 11th Working Groups of the IUCSTP concerning the study of the structure of the upper atmosphere. (Arising from the conference on cooperative solar terrestrial physics for the International Years of the Active Sun, London, January 1969), recommends

  1. That in combination or as an alternative to drag measurements, accelerometer and density gauge measurements be made on satellites with high eccentricity, to obtain density measurements with a single satellite over a large range of altitudes.
  2. That special efforts be made to obtain data for comparison of satellite measurements of diurnal density variation of ion temperature.
  3. Simultaneous measurements be made of composition by means of both mass spectrometers and monochrometers.
    1. Measurements be made of composition, temperature and winds from 100 to 200km in the winter polar region, where the sunlight has been cut off, and
    2. wind profiles be measured above 200km to establish global circulation patterns and to test the concept of rotation of the upper atmosphere.
  4. That more coordinated ground based measurements of optical emissions from hydrogen and helium be made, and that high Resolution studies of OI6300 [Angstrom] for temperature and wind measurement be extended.
  5. Development of experiments for measurements of the eddy diffusion coefficient, especially in the height range 80 - 120km.
  6. Extension of theoretical studies for construction of representative models describing composition, dynamics, the thermal regime and their interconnection.
  7. Extension of laboratory experiments for measuring rates of aeronomical reaction, including those determined by the minor components, and including those relevant to meteor processes, particularly atomic collision phenomena in the energy range 100 - 1000eV.
    1. That although there has recently been an increase in the network of meteor stations, there should be an extension of the network in high latitudes, and
    2. that when possible the meteor- wind stations be associated with existing rocket launching sites.
  8. That since there exist uncertainties in the interpretation of ionospheric drift measurements, and a means of calibration would in many cases enable these observations to become a useful source of wind information, radio meteor winds should be used to provide a comparison for this purpose, particularly with ionospheric-drift techniques that extend to lower heights and overlap the meteor region.
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