Resolution No.1 (2017): Magnetic satellite mission constellation
The International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA)
the interests of the scientific community in observing with the highest accuracy and resolution the numerous components of the Earth’s magnetic field to investigate the fundamental processes and hazards affecting the Earth system, from the deep Earth to space
that the Earth’s magnetic field is one of the fundamental global change variables of our planet
the extensive expertise acquired within the international scientific community in analysing data from dedicated Low Earth Orbiting magnetic satellite missions like Oersted, CHAMP and Swarm continuously over the last 20 years, and the considerable success of these missions
- the need for permanent long-term measurement of the magnetic field for understanding its generation, forecasting its evolution, and for space weather applications
- the possibility of further enhancing the science return and the technological applications of the on-going Swarm constellation by considering the addition of new satellites, such as nanosatellites
- international and national institutions, agencies and governmental bodies in charge of supporting Earth and space science research to make all efforts to extend support for current missions and to catalyse and implement new magnetic field satellite missions that would respond to the aforementioned need for continued and improved observation.