Draft Minutes of the First IAGA Executive Committee Meeting in Sapporo, 30th June 2003

The IAGA President, David Kerridge, welcomed the EC Members and the Division/Commission Heads at 1305. There was a liaison meeting between EC and Division /Commission Heads for the first hour.

The President raised a number of issues and asked the Division/Commission Heads to give consideration to matters, as appropriate, at their business meetings:

  • Scientific symposia for Toulouse 2005

  • Collaboration on symposia with ICMA and between divisions

  • Ideas for Association Lectures in Toulouse

  • The new leadership of the divisions and commission

  • IAGA resolutions

  • IGY+50 plans

  • The need for a special IAGA body for Planetary Geophysics

  • Request for names of persons interested in participation in the work of the Inter-Divisional Commission on History

  • The proposed committee of young scientists to consider the future of IAGA

The regular EC meeting started at 1405 with the acceptance of the agenda.

Agenda point no 3, Report of the Nominating Committee, (see Appendix 1), was taken up first. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Gordon Rostoker, presented the report. The response during the open nomination period had been good, but towards the end of this period it became evident that there was a need for the Nominating Committee to actively solicit candidates representing South America and the scientific field of Division IV to improve the balance of the slate. After the end of the open nomination period one additional candidate was nominated with the support of three member countries. The final slate of candidates is in Appendix 2.

Gordon Rostoker also informed the EC that he proposed to use the voting procedure for the members of the new Executive Committee that had been adopted at the previous IUGG General Assembly in Birmingham, i.e. there would be at least two candidates for each post in the IAGA EC. The elections would start with the vote for President and work "down". Candidates not elected at one level would automatically become candidates for election at the next "lower" level.

The next Agenda point taken up was no 4, the report of the Finance Committee. The Chairman of the Committee, Robert McPherron, presented the report. The Finance Committee had raised a number of questions about the IAGA Accounts for 2002 and had received satisfactory answers from the Secretary General. The Committee had no objections to the financial accounts. The Report of the Finance Committee, with the questions raised and the answers provided, is in Appendix 3.

Thereafter, Agenda item no 8, concerning the plans for the IAGA Scientific Assembly in Toulouse in 2005, was dealt with. Roland Schlich, Executive Member of the French Local Organising Committee, presented the plans. A conference centre in Toulouse, eminently suitable for the IAGA/ICMA Scientific Assembly, will be used. The basic registration fee will be approximately 400 EUR with reductions for early registrants and for students. The centre contains 8 large conference rooms and 2 smaller rooms, all of which can be used simultaneously.

The final Agenda point taken up during this first meeting was item no 7, Resolutions Committee. The EC appointed the following three members: M. Menvielle, C. Barton, and E. Friis-Christensen.

The President then closed the meeting, with agreement from the Executive Committee members to hold the next meeting on Friday, 4th July at 0900 in the IAGA office.

Bengt Hultqvist
Secretary General

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