Resolution No.1 (2003): Cooperation and Sharing In Polar Geospace Research

IAGA, noting

  • the achievements of the previous International Polar and Geophysical Years,
  • that the polar regions are ideal for remote sensing of the Geospace environment,
  • that ICSU has endorsed a new International Polar Year programme,

recognising that

  • global studies of Geospace require extensive networks of instruments in both hemispheres to address key science problems as included in the SCAR ICESTAR initiative,
  • the northern hemisphere is well instrumented for Geospace research, extensions are planned to the international SuperDARN HF radar network, new technology is now available,
  • there will be excellent conjunctions between Antarctica and several satellites (e.g., THEMIS, POLAR, and IMAGE),


  • all agencies working in Antarctica coordinate measurements of magnetospheric and ionospheric electrodynamics through the expansion and integration of instrument networks, especially those including autonomous instruments such as the Antarctic International Magnetometer NETwork (AIMNET), and
  • all countries cooperate to provide ready and free access to hardware, software, and all data to maximise the value and success of international collaboration.
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